
Category: General (4)

Learning Modules Of Young Trade Ambassador

Trade—defined as the range of activities that ensure the transfer of goods and services from producers to consumers—has become increasingly international owing to the effects of globalisation.
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Comparative Report On Foreign Trade Capabilities of Partner Countries

Foreign trade plays an important role in the economic development of country. It is said, "Foreign trade is not simply a device for achieving productive efficiency but is an engine of economic growth.
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Needs Analysis for the Skills and Qualifications of Youth in Foreign Trade

The aim of this analysis was to examine gathered opinions from questionnaires filled out by students on a range of issues surrounding foreign trade.
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E-Learning Platform and E-Certificate Program

Trade—defined as the range of activities that ensure the transfer of goods and services from producers to consumers—has become increasingly international owing to the effects of globalisation. Businesses engaging in international trade must now act on a global scale.
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